The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 565: Crossing hands for the first time

Chapter 565: Crossing hands for the first time

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan could only laugh in response to Davies’s inquiry as he was aware of the storyline.

"Perhaps they noticed this building is tightly guarded and thought it was an armoury."

Blacksail exclaimed doubtfully.

"Sink me! Might the Black Pearl truly have such ignorant pirates?"

When Blacksail just concluded his exclamation, a thick nasal voice filled with rage drifted out from within the prison.

"Showin’ off ye son of a biscuit eater? Bilge-suckin’ idiot thinking ye be impressive for differentiatin’ an amoury or a prison? Let me inform ye scum of what me knows, tis’ day the next year shall be yer death anniversary!"

The one who spoke was a black man with a rather unique physique. The back portion of his hair was bundled into a pigtail, while the front portion was tied into two ponytails; parting ways and dangling to the left and right. He had thick brows and large eyes, while his tattered and ragged suit was his unique distinction. The two tiny beards sticking up from his chin enhanced his main personality. As he spoke, a set of crooked and rotten teeth became exposed.

That black man fumed while pulling out a pistol from his waist before aiming over. By his side, was a middle aged arabic male with curvy sideburns and wore a tiny Xinjiang* style circular hat. When they surfaced, it felt like the mist started swirling around them.

(TN:*Xinjiang is a province in china.)

Sheyan and Mogensha simultaneously probed them and quickly obtained a joint primary information.

[ ‘Rotten Shawl’ Tiggs ]

[ Junior pirate of the Black Pearl ]

[ Height: 5 feet 4 inches. ]

[ Weight: 71 kg ]

[ Strength: ?? ]

[ Agility: ?? ]

[ Physique: ?? ]

[ Perceptive sense: 38 points ]

[ Charm: 10 points ]

[ Intelligence: 8 points ]

[ Spirit: 14 points ]

[ Abilities: ‘Basic Close Combat lvl 7’ , ‘Basic Endurance lvl 7’, ‘Basic Long Range Combat lvl 7’ ]

[ Black Pearl Pirate special ability: Swifty - Wherever the breeze of the caribbean sea blows, the movement and attack speed of the Black Pearl pirates would be boosted by 33% ]

[ Black Pearl Pirate special ability: Assimilation - Chances of discovering a Black Pearl pirate reduced by 50% within any area where the horn sounds of the Black Pearl can be heard ]

[ Pirate special ability: Team lvl 3 - For fighters accustomed to group collectivism, their combat capabilities would substantially be bolstered with their allies beside them. For every one additional ally beside, individual attributes would be raised by 20%. Effect can be stacked for maximally 200% ]

[ Aztec Curse (pester): The vengeful wrath and sinister spirits of a former empire lingers on this body, bringing it between the borders of life and death. This body will feel desires and pains, but be unable to satisfy them; possessing a thirst unquenchable by water, a hunger that can only be satiated by death. Yet death is not a possibility ]

[ Special ability: No attacks can cause him to die. A shattered body will reform itself after a period. Even the ashes of an incinerated body will be reinstituted after a period. The soul of every pirate accursed will be confined within the Black Pearl. Once they depart from the Black Pearl for a period of time, no matter where their bodies may be, it will be forcefully summoned back to the Black Pearl ]

Boom! A loud rumble resounded. That pigtail blackman triggered off while targeting Blacksail.

Instead, Reef had launched forward as he blocked the gunshot with his shield. Under the gloomy moonlight, a distorted bullet rolled down from Reef’s shield as spiralling fumes dispersed from it.

"55 points." Reef reported into the party channel.

Coming from a pirate of the Black Pearl, one of the three legendary pirate ships, such a figure was indeed rather shameful. However, one must factor in their unique property of being undying!

Moreover, his attack damage was definitely not low. If 2-3 more pirates of the same calibre were added, they could easily slay Mogensha.

Furthermore, one must consider the presence of the powerful ‘Swifty’ ability in all Black Pearl pirates. Once one encounters a flock of Black Pearl pirates, there would truly be no way of escape. Even if they couldn’t kill someone straight up, they would eventually exhaust him to death!

"Fine then." Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and announced. "Gentlemen, I shall have to conduct an experiment on you lonely lads."

At this moment, the pigtail blackman furiously roared out his comrade’s name.

"Tiggs, attack with me. I shall carve out yer hearts!"

‘Rotten Shawl’ Tiggs pulled out his broadsword and scoffed.

"These scurvy masked scoundrels be pirates, me smells the distinct stench of a pirate from them! Jerry, it be time to let these slacked jaw idiots understand the rankin’ of us pirates, that the honour of a legendary pirate ship might not be sullied!"

Tiggs then dashed forward while thrusting forth his broadsword with breakneck speed, stabbing straight into Sheyan’s chest!

Instead, Sheyan gripped the thrusting blade as blood dripped down through the gaps of his fingers. This stab was merely a superficial wound to Sheyan.

Piank! Sheyan exerted his strength as he snapped the ordinary broadsword, which was uncursed by the Aztec curse, into two. The enraged Tiggs cursed the damned blacksmith who forged his broadsword, as he furiously raised his fist.

Yet within a flash, blue glitters sparkled out from Sheyan’s body as he retrieved his ‘+7 West’ long saber!

A melancholic blade ray flashed out!

Instantaneously, half of Tiggs’s arm was chopped off as it landed 2-3 metres away. Despite that, tiggs returned a hysterical laugh without displaying a single hint of agony. Furthermore, one could vividly observe his arm crawling back to its owner as if it had sentience.

Tiggs then scooped up his own arm and attached the decapitated ends together. After a slight twitch, it was restored back to its former state.

"Truly an exceptionally formidable regeneration." Sheyan muttered expressionlessly.

Sheyan continued to unleash a few more strikes. Instead, he discovered that even though he targeted the vital spots of these pirates, they seemingly harbored no fear even towards explosive strikes or severe mutilations. The only difference was that the regeneration speed for those vital spots would be slightly slower.

As they fought, the clouds in the sky dispersed aside, as the atmospheric mist timidly whirled around the cascading moonlight.

Instantaneously, the two pirates transformed into eerie white skeletons without warning, where only their tattered attire covered them. Still, they advanced with crazed assaults against their foes.

Finally, Sheyan’s pirates joined the attack, as they reduced the Black Pearl pirates into a pile of bones. Then, Big beard Davies utilize his ‘Iceshard Cruelty’ greatsword to freeze the pile of bones, before Taitish followed up with her occult magic to transport the frozen bones 5 kilometres away from this place; thereby finally managing to unwrap themselves from these parasite like hindrances.

After broadening his horizons on the capabilities of merely the lowest tier pirates of the Black Pearl, Sheyan’s heart sank heavily.

At present, he could already eliminate the option of having a direct confrontation with the pirates of the Black Pearl. Even official Growth-hunters would be slowly withered away by such dreadful prowess and astoundingly terrifying regeneration capabilities!

However, Sheyan understood that he absolutely must not reveal his worrying emotions to his subordinates. Thus, he merely acted with full confidence as he sauntered into the prison.

One must admit that the prison cells of Port Royal had rather humane living conditions. Though the cells were rough, simple and filthy, it remained dry. Moreover, straws were placed in each prison cell which could minimally free its inhabitant from the torture of rheumatism and arthritis.

After approaching the second layer of prison cells, they could hear the charming naggings and urgings of Captain Jack Sparrow from afar.

"Common dearie, xu xu xu, hurry common, good boy, taste this delicious bone."

Beside him, Joshamee was similarly chiming urgently.

"A delicacy that be unimaginable, aye. The most sumptuous bone of your life aye, hurry come on, just a lil’ closer. Reach out your tongue for heaven’s sake, please open your eyes."

Both of them were attempting to lure an unremarkable looking grey pekingese dog, the treasured darling of the jail wardens. None could fathom what the warden chief was thinking when he allowed this dog, to hold the crucial prison cell keys across its mouth.

Very evidently, every single criminal here was obsessed with luring this dog to approach their jail cell, before they would seize it and obtain those keys smeared with dog saliva. Though it was filthy, it was their adorable and only path to freedom

Unfortunately for them, this tiny dog had been specially trained to stop just a sliver shy of outstretched hands of prisoners from within the iron bars. Moreover, its inarticulate nature towards the prisoners repeatedly fuelled their hysterical disappointment, which became the unparalleled source of entertainment for those jail wardens.

Yet sadly, that warden with this weird fetish was unfortunately implicated by a stray cannon, and had since returned to the embrace of his god. Nevertheless, this miserable little dog still remained loyal to its responsibilities, making a fool out of the grand Captain Jack Sparrow and Joshamee as it strived to please its master; who had degraded into an icy cold corpse by now.

At present, the keys were three centimetres away from Jack Sparrow’s fingers. However, that little dog had already planned to conclude this dangerous game it was playing.

Instead, Redbeard came trudging in with large strides, as he boorishly captured this little dog. Then, he looted the set of keys that some were anxiously awaiting for. Without paying attention to the yells and berates of Jack and Joshamee shouting themselves hoarse, Redbeard turned and left.

"Now isn’t the time to release them yet. Still, I don’t plan to have Jack Sparrow bear this grudge against me, so I can only allow the recently recruited Redbeard to commit this act."

Sheyan explained to his buddies from a distance away.

Although his subordinates expressed their puzzlement towards their captain’s conduct, they unanimously displayed compliance.

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