The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 593: Bernard Fokke’s Journal

Chapter 593: Bernard Fokke’s Journal

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Start of Volume 9

As the trio carefully read through, past scenes of tragic events were gradually reconstructed.


「 Summer, 1624. Fourteen months without a drop of rain, the drinking habits of that damned old head is becoming worst. Last month, he delivered my Momore to the Abattoir, it was I who reared him all these years! I can still remember the welling tears in his eyes when my pitiful old mate departed. If only I was in charge. I would surely allow Momore, my frail old horse, to accompany me for eternity. 」

「 He’s walking up the stairs, he actually dares to go up!!! 」

「 That drunkard seems to have designs on Susan. The gaze he observed Susan with is the exact same as the one he observed Momore with for one whole month! 」

「 I cannot permit such atrocities anymore. Without a doubt, with the impending drought, the Devon county will commence their killings again. If the old head survives, the fate of Susan and I would be resigned to being sold off as slaves. We will die from thirst and hunger, while that drunkard dies from shoddy brandy 」

「 Anyway he will die eventually, why won’t he let Susan and I go? 」

Next page,

「 I killed him, yes, I killed him! 」

「 Heavens, I killed my own father! 」

「 I resent that my body flows with his blood, I hate this bloody tragic fate of mine. 」

「 I only knocked him with the footstool, although on the back of his head, how did he just die like that? 」

「 This old demon was raping Susan! His own daughter, my elder sister! 」

「 But I didn’t intend to take his life…saying that is futile now. 」

「 Curse it, Satan has definitely descended on my heart. That old demon had stripped Susan bare. When did her breasts grow so large? Her skin is so fair, the blood is rushing to my head. I must find something else to do. But why isn’t Susan putting on her clothes? 」

「 O, I am not a man of honor. I, Bernard Fokke, am a condemnable gambler, a scoundrel, a rogue and a beast! Stop tempting me! 」

「 Stop tempting me! 」

「 Stop tempting me! 」

「 Stop tempting! 」

「 Stop…to hell with it! 」

Next page

「 I’m finally safe. Just 10 hours ago, I thought my only destination was to have my limbs broken and hung on the gibbet. Life is truly wonderful, but this means I have to labor in vain for a decade for the ship’s owner, Travice. I must follow him unconditionally. 」

「 Curse it, I am not someone fond of abiding by agreements, but those 5 underlings of Travice are more brutal than hunting dogs. I personally witnessed them beating a fleeing person to death while laughing, they tossed him into the sea to feed the fishes. 」

「 I loathe eating this rock solid rye bread! After chewing a hundred times, the coarse taste still scrapes my throat. Alright, we’re finally setting sail and departing from this cursed ghost land. I will never return. 」

「 I am thrown with every task, but tasks from the navigator are the worst. He actually wants me to transcribe those detestable numbers. Those coordinates, lord, I get a headache upon seeing them! 」

「 Splendid, I’ve discovered the navigator’s secret. This is extremely simple, does he think that employing such cheap cutter codes to detail his voyage journal logs can fool me? In his dreams! I heard about this from my previous neighbour, the clergy West. May that kind-hearted old man finds peace in heaven. 」

「 Oh hoh, I’m starting to feel more capable than that intoxicated foolish navigator. Mayhaps others are clueless, but he only manages a fifth of his tasks. 」

Following that, the trio browsed through a thousand words.

「 Travice informed me that we are heading to a distant place. A faraway land that requires a year to a year and a half of time. 」

「 I should tell him to be more courteous towards me. Without my precise coordinates, his ship can only float within a port. 」

「 This is a wondrous news, especially for an unlucky brat who has to assume all responsibilities of a useless navigator and other random tasks without allowance, this is a cause for celebration. 」

「 Heavens! I have never desired so insatiably for a man to die before! It has been 3 years since Travice appeared to be hanging by his last breath, yet he refuses to die! 」

「 Our destination is a place called Kijuju. I swear I’ve never heard of such a tongue rolling name before. It must be an African name. Travice is actually a fool for believing he can find a means to longevity there! Ahhaha, if one can live forever by eating 2-3 stalks of flowers, why is there a need for god? 」

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

「 Honestly speaking, our luck is amazing enough that we arrived at the lovely, primitive and uncivilized continent of Africa. Several times, it felt like the ship would sink. The coordinates of voyage routes cursed by the snares of the devil are foiled by the sea water. I shall write them on this parchment, we will need it when returning. 」

「 Travice is swiftly turning weaker, his palm without skin is just a skeleton but his eyes give me the shivers. I reckon that old thing cannot live for long, we shall have to bury him soon! 」

「 Right, the coordinates of this port are xxx, xxx 」

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

「 The legends…are real. Momore actually crawled out from the grave after being shot by that damned aborigine!! 」

「 I caught that two-year-old little horse a week ago. In remembrance of my unforgettable childhood, I named it Momore. Heavens, wasn’t he stabbed by two javelins? 」

「 There must be something strange going on in its body! 」

「 Let me think, let me think this through carefully. Momore was pinned down by the side of that large bonfire, the area of altar sacrifices for those natives. Didn’t I discover something in its mouth, as though it had been chewing something? Could it be, he was munching on the ‘Stairway of the Sun’, the one Travice had diligently searched for? It must be! Those aborigines may have left some residue by their altar! 」

Damaged page, cannot be read.

「 Momore actually started eating flesh…from …Jevon’s corpse… Fortunately, Momore seems to recognize me. There is no cause for worry of having my arm chomped off by its mouth……at least not for now… 」

Damaged page, cannot be read.

Damaged page, cannot be read.

「 At last, Travice’s wish is fulfilled. He managed to escape the punishment of death. But, I feel his condition is worse than death. 」

「 There must be a way to harness this mystical strength while preventing one from falling into madness. Haven\'t I heard about dark magic elsewhere? Since others can learn this, so shall I! 」


The records of the voyage journal log came to a spontaneous end here. After reading, both Reef and Mogensha glanced at each other, noticing the shock in each other’s eyes.

Sheyan then calmly started.

"This is what I acquired from Little Lord Fokke. I believe the answer to his dreadful pandemic ability, is found from this voyage journal log booklet."

At this moment, both Reef and Mogensha unanimously received a notification.

[ You have read Bernard Fokke’s voyage log booklet ]

[ Hidden World initiated: Origin Chapters of Resident Evil ]

[ Henceforth, every time you choose to enter a nightmare world, you will be given a choice. To enter through the automatic allocated transportation arrays of the realm, or the transportation array to enter this hidden world ]

[ Warning: The transportation array of this hidden world will disappear forever after you enter it. Even if you choose not to enter, it will only appear for 3 times ]

[ Warning: Bernard Fokke’s voyage log booklet is left with one usage ]

[ Warning: This hidden world is initiated by the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’, it will similarly inherit the characteristics of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. Its rewards and risks may not be in direct proportion. Apart from that, under normal circumstances, the difficulty of a hidden world will be higher than that of an ordinary world. Without adequate confidence, please do not endanger your own life ]

[ Friendly reminder: Before entering, you best prepare sufficient utility points ]

Reef licked his lips and replied hoarsely.

"A hidden world! It’s actually a hidden world!"

Sheyan asked curiously.

"You are aware of this?"

Reef’s eye flashed with memories as he replied.

"I heard from someone else before. When you enter a such a world with a hidden concept, you will not be issued with a main mission. Usually, it would be exceedingly tough to encounter other contestants. It also wouldn’t restrict your staying period, but the only thing restricting your stay is utility points. With every passing day, you must fork out sufficient utility points. It is as simple as accommodation fees of a hotel. However, you can still trigger other side missions there, but you will have the rights to reject them."

"But just like the mission description, a hidden world may result in an outcome where the rewards do not balance out the risks. The one who told me this was originally from another party. The leader of the previous party invested everything for the sake of that hidden world, but unfortunately received only a tiny reward in the end. Ultimately, that leader was kicked out and the party was absolved."

"I got it." Sheyan nodded.

"Then, I don’t think now is a good time to enter this world. Firstly, because of its excessive difficulty, and secondly, because we lack utility and potential points……we lack everything! Don’t talk about an added difficulty world, we would meet horrendous deaths even in an ordinary world!"

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