The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1011: Ambush

Chapter 1011: Ambush

The AI of these four robots were, of course, inferior to the original model created by Skynet, but their power was just as destructive!

Instead of feeling dismayed, Sheyan was actually delighted. The fact that there were Terminators guarding this room must mean that there was something worth guarding here.

The windows around the hall closed automatically. After that, a stinging white smoke was sprayed into the enclosed space. Sheyan also saw a “coffee table” nearby began to slowly rotate, trying to hide itself below the ground. The reason Sheyan paid attention to the “coffee table” was because it was glowing with a really strong red light, indicating that although it was not an item on Dolittle’s list, it was something extremely useful!

Sheyan immediately tore half of his clothes off to cover his mouth and nose with, but that was apparently not enough to stop the pungent gas from penetrating into his nostrils. He couldn’t help coughing loudly from the smoke. The four Terminators also started attacking!

If the one who broke in was an ordinary person, it would be absolutely impossible for them to break through the blockade even if they were a Navy SEAL elite. But for someone like Sheyan, although his HP continued to drop, he could still persist.

He immediately pounced towards the “coffee table” and smashed his knee into it, but unexpectedly, the legs of the table were rigidly fixed to the floor, so his attack was to no avail. Sheyan gritted his teeth as he withstood the bullets. With both hands, he grabbed one of the legs of the table and pulled hard! Over a dozen bolts were flung away as a result.

Amidst the stinging, suffocating smoke, the sight brought Sheyan joy. But the next second, a rifle grenade launched by one of the Terminators hit his back. The explosion instantly sent him flying.

The solid hit caused Sheyan to cough up a large mouthful of blood. After all, he was not made of steel. His back was burnt, and the meat there was probably well cooked too. Sheyan endured the pain and rolled away from most of the bullets that followed, then kicked the “coffee table” with one foot. Brute force from the kick mixed with his rolling momentum sent the table flying. It landed at the hole Sheyan made to come in here.

Sheyan naturally would not stay for a fight in this place filled with poison. He ran with all his strength. Just when he had reached the exit, he suddenly felt a strong threat flying towards him from behind. He did not hesitate to grab the “coffee table” in front of him and swing it back to block what was behind him, only to hear a loud bang immediately afterwards. It did not sound like an explosion, but more like an exploding water bag. Next, he felt a searing pain transmitted over from several spots on his body, including the hand holding onto the “coffee table”.

When Sheyan pulled back the “coffee table” to take a look, he was shocked out of his wits. The table was made of alloy steel, but even so, a foul-smelling white smoke rose from its surface. The thing that shot towards him just now was apparently something like sulphuric acid with terrifying corrosive power! If Sheyan had been hit by it, he would have lost a layer of skin for sure.

However, the corrosiveness of the liquid had also helped Sheyan a great deal. He immediately found that the dark red light had actually penetrated through the cracks made in the corroded “coffee table” from within. Exerting some force with his hands, Sheyan snapped the table in half to reveal the source of the dark red light inside. It was a machine shaped like an alarm clock.

Right after Sheyan had placed the machine into the party storage, the four T-400 Terminators caught up to him with rigid steps. Now that they had gotten close to him, forgoing their advantage in long-range weapons, Sheyan had no reason not to stay and fulfill their wish to die.

As soon as the first Terminator took a mechanical step through the hole, Sheyan grabbed its foot, making it lose its balance and fall to the ground. Before it could get up, Sheyan had already gripped its arm and twisted hard!

The hard alloy steel endoskeleton was not able to withstand Sheyan’s abnormal strength.

A dazzling blue electric spark shot out. Sheyan did not let his guard down because of the initial success. It would not be wise to treat the Terminator the same as humans. He did not hesitate to violently twist the Terminator’s head after that, and then kick it back to the other side through the hole.

Sure enough, as Sheyan suspected, the Terminator detonated the bomb in its body. After a series of muffled explosions, smoke and fire filled the air. The broken parts of the robot flew out, leaving bloodstained cuts on Sheyan’s face.

“These troublesome monsters….” Time was tight, so Sheyan had no intention of staying for the fight. He planned to continue searching for the other items on the list, so he took the opportunity to roll away. The other three Terminators were already on the verge of losing control. The only thing that restrained them, the computer network, was completely paralysed, which was bad news for the employees on this floor. Encountering Sheyan, they would be knocked unconscious at most, and would most likely be ignored, but if they encountered the three Terminators, the only fait awaiting them was being shot to death.

After collecting another mechanical device that had a dark red highlight, Sheyan contacted Zi.

“How’s the situation on your side?”

“I’ve collected all the information they obtained from Dolittle, but Cyberdyne also possess other information of the T-1000’s movements, which they got directly from the government. I think we should make a copy of that too,” answered Zi unhurriedly.

Sheyan carefully considered Zi’s suggestion before he replied, “The higher management have probably been alerted of what happened here. We have five minutes at most. Any later than that and we might face a strong counter-attack from them. Oh, right. Cyberdyne have found a way to manufacture older model Terminators. You better be careful.”

To that, Zi replied blandly, “I’ve already destroyed three.”

“If possible, try to preserve their numbers as best you can. Thanks to the computer virus, the robots will attack anyone indiscriminately. They can effectively help us delay the enemy’s reinforcement,” said Sheyan.

Zi snorted softly and did not say anything in reply. Sheyan understood her personality, so he just smiled and said nothing further. Although they were currently in a fight, but for some reason, there was a hint of romance in the air.

Five minutes passed by in the blink of an eye. The two quickly reunited. Behind them, gunfires rained down like a shower. They were all caused by the out-of-control Terminators. Sheyan could basically confirm that Cyberdyne’s counterattack was not a threat to them for the time being.

Instead, the most worrying thing was the possibility that the streets outside the building may be completely blocked with a horde of taser guns waiting for them, but considering that the streets outside were some of the busiest streets in Los Angeles, as well as the usual response speed of the government, such possibility was almost negligible.

But for some reason, Sheyan had an ominous premonition, which only got stronger while they prepared for their departure. It was for this reason that he asked Zi to stay a bit of a distance away from him as a precaution. They kept about seven or eight meters between them, pretending not to be acquainted with each other, so that they would not be wiped out in one attack while still being close enough to support each other at the first sign of danger.

“Why do I feel this way?” Sheyan frowned as mingled among the crowd running down the stairs of the fire escape. He still could not find any reason for the danger he sensed.

Just as they were passing the 8th floor, a seductively dressed woman suddenly stepped out and smiled at Zi. The seemingly plain pendant on her neck covered the surroundings in a black glow in an instant! But Zi’s reaction was fast too. Sheyan had warned her beforehand, so she was alert. At the same time that she was attacked with the ‘Group Fear’ spell, she pushed her palm out towards Corina!

‘Force Collision – Wall’!

The huge transparent wall issued a thunderous roar as it travelled through the air and hit Corina hard. She immediately saw stars and felt a sweetness in her throat, then coughed up a mouthful of blood. Her nose was numb at first before the pain transmitted over to her brain. For the next three days, Corina would have nightmares of crashing into a wall!

But Zi did not escape unscathed either. An terrible fear gripped her mind and she was instantly paralysed. She felt as if she was assaulted by a Nightmare.

Next, a dull, expressionless man stepped out and shot a taser gun at Zi.

The bullet carrying a blue electrical current accelerated towards her, but at this moment, a lightning-quick figure jumped out and valiantly shielded Zi with his broad back!

It was Sheyan!

The bullet of the taser gun pierced into Sheyan’s dorsal muscles, and the terrifying electric shock was triggered the next instant!

A blinding electric explosion blasted Sheyan’s back!

The attack did not stop at the burst. The current scattered into tens of blue snakes in the ground to electrocute every person in the radius of dozens of meters around Sheyan. If Sheyan hadn’t pushed Zi away in time, she would have taken the damage too.

At this time, Hill, with his graceful Waltz steps, entered the stage. He gracefully extended his slender pianist fingers towards the paralysed and electrocuted Sheyan as he usually did. The ordinary people who were touched by his fingers before had dried up and cracked like stone statues. What would happen when the fingers touched Sheyan?

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