The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1333: The Strange Natural Phenomenon

Chapter 1333: The Strange Natural Phenomenon

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The Messenger of Pain stared at Sheyan’s departing back and started to roar wildly. He started chasing after Sheyan like he had gone crazy.

However, his right leg that was only connected to his body by a layer of skin dragged on the ground as he ran, greatly hindering his progress. Even when the Messenger of Pain attempted a long-range leap with his arms and foot, he was dragged down mid-air and fell heavily to the ground.

The Messenger of Pain rolled around in agony for a while before he once again lifted himself back up, unwilling to give up. A large amount of cell fluid gushed out of the wound again to try and heal his thigh. Yellow foam once again formed on the wound. After the wound appeared to have completely healed, the Messenger of Pain checked it carefully. He only started moving again after confirming that everything was fine. But reality gave him a harsh slap in the face after he took only a few steps forward.

The power of ‘Extinction’ came into effect again. The merciless red glow shined on the wound, returning it back to its original state!

Such a cruel reality almost broke down the Messenger of Pain’s mind!

Suddenly, his neck extended rapidly and swelled up. The deformed neck sent his head flying towards the wound like a bullet. He chomped down on the thin layer of flesh connecting his thigh to his body. His sharp teeth started grinding on it until his thigh was completely severed.

‘Extinction’ could prevent the wound from being healed or repaired in any way, but it could not prevent the enemy from causing further damage to the wound!

That is to say, the Messenger of Pain’s self-mutilation tactic was effective. He only had one leg and two hands left, but his situation now was much better than when he was dragging the injured leg around.

With a ferocious look, he stuffed the severed leg into his mouth and chewed hard. Bones and flesh splashed out of his mouth as he chewed. The Messenger of Pain gulped down his own flesh and bone in such a hurry that they overflowed out of the corners of his mouth and his nostrils. Then, he sniffed the ground and started tracking Sheyan down.

The Messenger of Pain’s movement speed was originally much higher than that of Sheyan. He could run just by using his limbs without moving his body, like the kind of spider that could run on water at high speed. His movements were so mysterious and unpredictable that they were impossible to capture.

But now that he had lost a leg, the speed of his pursuit was obviously greatly affected. He could barely keep up with Sheyan’s speed, and the best he could do was not to let the distance between them be pulled further apart.

The Messenger of Pain’s reason for existence was to hunt Sheyan down, so of course he could not give up so easily!

As for Sheyan, this insane monster was indeed causing him a huge problem. On the surface, Sheyan seemed to have gained the upper hand after making good use of the powerful Evil Sword Apophis, but the Messenger of Pain was still a monster two whole orders above him, so Sheyan had also paid a considerable price. If he were somewhere else, Sheyan might still have some confidence in successfully killing the monster, but he was now in a strange place like the death zone!

Sheyan was absolutely certain that even if he could kill the Messenger of Pain, it would surely be a bitter victory with him using up all the cards he had. The only fate awaiting him afterwards was to struggle for survival in the death zone, and finally die here, turning into a decaying corpse!

Sheyan did not want such a victory, nor did he dare.

That was why Sheyan did not take advantage of the successful strike to try and defeat the Messenger of Pain, but had immediately seized the opportunity when the monster had lost his mobility to run away. Since he couldn’t defeat the monster, he could still run, right? Furthermore, from now on, he had to avoid injuries as much as possible. The more stamina reserves he had left, the longer he could persist.


It had been two hours since the battle that had no conclusion.

Sheyan threw away the last piece of leather mask he had, which he had used to cover his nose and mouth. The smooth leather had been corroded until it was full of holes, as if it had been soaked in a strong acidic solution for several days.

He coughed a few times. His coughs sounded hollow, and his phlegm had the colour of rust. His lungs had been severely corroded. Although this degree of damage did not have any impact on Sheyan yet, it was only a matter of time before Sheyan would be affected.

Sheyan carefully buried his spit in the ground. There was no way this could prevent the Messenger of Pain from tracking him down, but it could at least slow him down a little. But as Sheyan was digging the hole, he suddenly discovered something weird.

The soil he dug up slowly started to float in the air!

“What’s happening?” Sheyan’s first thought was that he was being attacked, but when he looked around, he did not find anyone.

Based on his judgement, even if the Messenger of Pain was chasing after him at full speed, he should still be at least five kilometres away, barring any unexpected circumstances. It should take him at least twenty minutes to track all the way here.

A sudden realisation hit Sheyan, because he could clearly see that visibility was improving and that the environment was getting brighter. Three minutes ago, Sheyan still could not tell what that black spot on the faraway stone peak was, but now, he could clearly tell that it was a cave.

Sheyan looked up towards the sky and immediately realised the source of the disturbance. The sky of the Lost Temple planet was originally dim and cloudy. Lead-gray clouds weighed heavily on the land, like the dense rainy clouds commonly seen in summer on Earth.

But now, the gray clouds had gradually dispersed, replaced by a blue sky and white clouds!!

The magical deep blue sky, with sparkling wavy lines protruding on it, seemed to have countless pair of malicious eyes peeping down from behind it. The clouds were white, but it was the white of a dead fish’s belly, and they were very close to the ground.

Lightning then zapped among the clouds. Sheyan instantly felt a sense of weightlessness, as if his body was going to float upwards. Then, those strange white clouds in the sky started spinning, forming innumerable huge vortexes which slowly reached down to the land. They looked like white giant funnels that were slowly connecting to the ground. The spectacle was extremely spectacular, but also contained a strong sense of destruction and killing!

Sheyan could already tell that something was wrong. The wind had suddenly gotten stronger, and more and more soil started floating. They did not seem like they were floating due to the buoyancy generated by a large number of tornadoes, but because the gravity of the planet itself had been offset by some unknown factors.

A huge vortex was slowly forming right above Sheyan.

Sheyan’s expression turned grave. His steps became as light and unsteady as a drunken man. He tried to bury his fist into the cliff next to him to steady himself, but the black mountain cliff was surprisingly hard. Sheyan’s punch only made an inconspicuous crack on the cliff.

But he refused to give up. G-spot quickly shapeshifted on his raised fist, transforming into ‘+13 West’. Sheyan hacked at the black cliff using the saber. Before his body completely lost balance, he managed to forcefully hack a hole deep enough to grab onto.

The wind started blowing fiercely. Before this, although the wind did blow intensely through the mountains and howled loudly like moaning ghosts, they felt quite disorderly, as if countless gusts of winds were entangled and weaving together, so the forces would collide and stagger with each other.

But now, Sheyan could clearly feel that the forces of nature had gathered as one to obey some great and profound will, so they all moved with the same purpose! The tornadoes formed under such circumstances were not something mortals had the power to resist!

Sheyan instantly felt his body being stirred up by the fierce wind until he was completely horizontal. His five fingers that were grabbing the hole on the stone cliff were pulled taut, having to withstand tremendous force! The green veins on the back of his hand swelled up. The force tugging him away was so strong that Sheyan could barely hang on!

At this time, Sheyan suddenly understood something. He now finally knew why he saw very few loose rocks and pebbles on the plains here. In the face of such shocking natural disasters, any loose rocks would have been blown away ages ago.

“Damn...” Sheyan could feel his fingers that were holding onto the hole go numb. He immediately gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand so that it could take over for his left hand. But at that moment, Sheyan suddenly sensed a strong crisis. He instantly tilted his head to one side. He felt his ear go numb, and immediately saw a bone javelin fly past his cheek. The bone javelin quietly stabbed into the stone cliff next to him, penetrating at least a foot deep.

Sheyan’s body reacted before his mind could. He grabbed the dark red nerve tendon connected to the end of the bone javelin. He turned his head back and saw that, unbeknownst to him, the Messenger of Pain had silently crept within thirty meters of him.

A long tail had grown out of the monster’s butt since Sheyan last saw him. There was no hair on the tail, only a layer of skin, so the bony joints inside were clearly visible. The tail could be wrapped around a rock to steady himself.

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